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1. 活動時間:113 年 5 月 31 日(星期五)

2. 活動地點:中原大學 (桃園市中壢區中北路 200 號)

3. 參加對象:中原大學個人申請(正、備取生)、特殊選才、繁星、運動績優、單獨招生、四技二 專特殊選才之準大學生。

4. 活動費用:免費。

5. 報名辦法:線上填寫報名資料,報名成功後以 Email 通知。報名自即日起至 5 月 24 日 (星期五) 中午 12 點止。 線上報名網址:

6. 當日活動採刷「身分證條碼」報到方式,請記得攜帶「身份證」或「手機拍下身分證條碼」, 以便順利完成報到。

Interior Design, Chung Yuan Christian University

TEL: 03-265-6201, 03-265-6202
Dept. of Interior Design
Chung Yuan Christian University
32023  No. 200, Zhongbei Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City

Our Philosophy

1. to respect the natural environment and seek harmony between people and themselves
2. To be truly successful as long as one can realize one's potential
3. pursuing mutual growth of teachers and students with an attitude of mutual love and respect
4. to test creativity with hands-on experience and to move out of the classroom to the real world

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